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"A designation of

 BC Association of  Clinical Counsellors" 

My Primary Areas of Practice

  • Depression

  • Anxiety and Panic Disorders

  • Trauma

  • Racialize Trauma

  • Marginalization and aggression due to race, gender, sexual orientation and more

  • Relationship and Couples Issues

  • Grief and Loss

  • Life Transitions   

  • Family Therapy

  • Growth and Personal Development



I have been providing counselling and psychotherapy to individuals, couples,  and families for over 18 years.  I received my Masters in Counselling Psychology from the Adler School of Psychology, in Vancouver, BC.  I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor (R.C.C. #5655) with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors. 


I have worked for many sectors of the social service field, such as: government agencies, group homes, community centres and schools.  I also worked as a child protection worker and helped families and adolescents with their struggles related to parenting, abuse and trauma.  I worked as a mental health therapist for the Ministry of Children and Families and specialized in individual and group therapy for adolescents struggling with depression, anxiety, trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, self-harm, and body image issues.  I also provided family therapy and worked with the whole family unit. 


I am currently working at a Post Secondary school providing counselling for adult students struggling with many different issues such as sucidial thoughts, depression, anxiety, racialize trauma, trauma, family and relationship issues.


Im my private practise, I have worked with many different indiviudals and couples.  I have experience working on improving couples communication, helping couples understand each others attachment needs, healing from infidelity, issues with in-laws, and bi-racial or inter-faith relationships. I am committed to helping couples identify their unhealthy patterns  that keep them stuck and move them towards creating healthy ones.


Outside of the counselling room, I can be found spending time with my spouse of 18 years and my three children. I enjoy watching netflicks, running and hiking the local west coast trails.


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